Grab the Force!
“Under this blanket of dogma, under this blanket of opinions, and under this blanket of conflicts dive deeply and see there that even at their root lies the possibility of finding a Creative Force. And then do something! Grab the Force . . .” (Kenneth G. Mills)
Join us on Sunday, November 8, 2020, at 11:00 a.m. E.T. online in the Gathering Place to hear what Dr. Mills has to say about the Creative Force and how it may be engaged.
See the schedule here. To register and obtain the Zoom link, contact [email protected],
This Spontaneous Unfoldment will also be the subject of a sharing evening on Wednesday, November 11, at 8:00 p.m. ET (unless otherwise announced).
To explore the online library, where this and other remarkable lectures and concerts may watched and researched, click to subscribe (the first 30 days are free).
If you value these meetings, please donate to the Kenneth G. Mills Foundation.
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