What does it mean to be spiritual but not religious?

Lucille Joseph, a business executive and vice-chair of Toronto’s Luminato Festival, explores this idea from the perspective of her experience as a student of Canadian mentor Dr. Kenneth G. Mills and from her research into the state of spirituality and identity in the world today. Her article “Secretly Spiritual” appeared in the September 2016 issue of UC Observer, the United Church’s magazine:

“A declaration of identity, no matter how quiet, is always bold. In our everyday world, we often interact superficially with one another rather than with our whole being. Yet we immerse ourselves in Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, 24-hour news coverage and reality TV, endlessly fascinated with stories and images. We are constantly looking for openings to see what constitutes our fellow human being.…” Read more: http://www.ucobserver.org/essays/2016/09/secretly_spiritual/

(photo by Merle Robillard)


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