The greatest jigsaw puzzle of time

“Just imagine the grandeur of your imagination!

You have this incredible world all divided up

into the greatest jigsaw puzzle of time.”

~ Kenneth G. Mills, “The Fire of Expectation”

Where is the missing piece? Hear more, online this coming Sunday, December 20, 2020, at 11:00 a.m. E.T., when there will be a  broadcast of “The Fire of Expectation,” a Spontaneous Unfoldment given by Dr. Kenneth G. Mills on December 15, 1991, at the Day’s Inn in Toronto.

To register and obtain the Zoom link, contact [email protected],  To see the schedule, click here.

This spontaneous talk will also be the subject of a sharing evening on Wednesday, December 23, at 8:00 p.m. ET (unless otherwise announced).

To explore the online library, where “The Fire of Expectation” and other remarkable lectures and concerts may watched and researched, click to subscribe (the first 30 days are free).

If you value these meetings, please donate to the Kenneth G. Mills Foundation.

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