Riding the Sound Wave

The most recent creative endeavor inspired by Kenneth G. Mills is a book entitled Riding the Sound Wave: How a Mentor Transformed My Life, by Terry Stevens. A talented musician, artist, and writer, Terry is known to many as the bass who could sing deep Russian/Tibetan “split tones” when the Star-Scape Singers, the a cappella ensemble founded and conducted by Dr. Mills, performed.

“Terry Stevens’ writing is a split tone of elegance: detailed in his quest to know himself and profound teachings from his Canadian mentor, Dr. Kenneth George Mills.”

~ Rolland G. Smith, author and award-winning broadcast journalist

Primarily an autobiography, Terry’s book overflows with delightful and profound vignettes about being a professional drummer, meeting Dr. Mills, and engaging an intense life of rehearsals and fascinating travels as a Star-Scape Singer. Terry also tells of his life after Dr. Mills passed, including overcoming a potentially devastating health challenge, serving as an inspirational speaker, and becoming a prolific fine-art painter.

Riding the Sound Wave also highlights many learned lessons and quotes statements by Dr. Mills that Terry took to heart, pondered, and practiced, bringing about transformation in his life.

The book provides an opening into a realm of creativity that encompasses music, art, and philosophy. Terry emphasizes realizations that he has found essential to living a full and richly creative life. He adds photographs from his life journey, as well as reproductions of a number of the 200+ paintings he has created in recent years.

“And as an added value Terry includes many of his visual works, poetry, letters, et al. The result? Well, yes, Riding the Sound Wave is a crazy smorgasbord. Yet, in the end, Terry achieves one of the rarest commodities for any writer: an original ‘voice.’ It is a collection of tales that is so clear and accessible that in the end, you may find yourself coming back to it to reflect on Terry’s insights and how to apply them to your life.”

~ Stuart Diamond, New York City musician and composer

Both digital and print versions of Riding the Sound Wave are available here. Reviews are appreciated and helpful in reaching more readers. If you purchased the book on Amazon, you can add a review there by clicking the above link, scrolling down, and then clicking on Review This Product.

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