The Seal of Approval (CD)

Chapter 9 


Topics: Soul Purpose, Incarnation, Authentic Nature


Insightful words from Kenneth G. Mills on the authentic nature of Man, the great Ray of Aquarius, the picture-book of the mind, and the Pitch of Universal significance.



TOPICS: Soul Purpose, Incarnation, Authentic Nature

Insightful words from Kenneth G. Mills on the authentic nature of Man, the great Ray of Aquarius, the picture-book of the mind, and the Pitch of Universal significance.

“You have a great gift; you have a great promise! And the future planning has you the builders of a nation, has you the custodians of its wealth and you the great advocates of a Missal of such LIght that the only Sound that is heard is that of a Song, when the head and the heart are wrapped in the rhythm given to praise!” – Kenneth G. Mills