The Key: Identity

Hardcover, 432 pages
ISBN 0-919842-18-6

Internationally acclaimed musician-philosopher-poet Kenneth Mills has called Identity “the new paradigm.” The 24 Spontaneous  Unfoldments™ in this book address one of the thorniest issues confronting mankind today: “Who or what am I?” Succinctly put by Mr. Mills, “You are not a man of a nation. You are a Light Experience, or a Conscious Experience, and only secondarily a person with a nationality. You are Conscious Experience primarily.”



Internationally acclaimed musician-philosopher-poet Kenneth Mills has called Identity “the new paradigm.” The 24 Spontaneous  Unfoldments™ in this book address one of the thorniest issues confronting mankind today: “Who or what am I?”  Succinctly put by Mr. Mills, “You are not a man of a nation. You are a Light Experience, or a Conscious Experience, and only secondarily a person with a nationality. You are Conscious Experience primarily.”

“This author’s inspired insights and understanding are unequalled.” – Omega New Age Directory

The Key: Identity is smoothly put together, combining dialogue from the author’s lectures with his prose/poetry. He intersperses his talks with well thought-out questions from his audience, throwing back attention-grabbing answers. . . . The book is full of character and inspiration.” – Friend’s Review Magazine