Did You Miss Our Historic Webinar to Open the Portal? Replay It Here.

“This is an adventure to restore the unlimited possibilities of attainment, so that others may realize that Reality and an Ideal are ever at hand to sustain such an accomplishment in the world.” (Kenneth G. Mills)

Our November 8 webinar – the opening of the portal to the vibrant legacy of Kenneth G. Mills – was a great success, attracting guests from Canada, the United States, Mexico, Costa Rica, Brazil, and the United Kingdom.

Victoria Friedman served as a warm and gracious host. The Kenneth G. Mills Foundation is very grateful for all her endeavors, including her far-reaching promotion of the event. Steve Mack, Barry Brodie, Ellen Mann, Terry Stevens, Eugene Watts, Claude Charlebois, and Vincent Lyn lit the online screen  with their expressions of creativity, understanding, and love of Dr. Mills.

The responses to this abundant offering have been pouring in, remarking on the ambiance, the eloquence, love, and energy of the speakers, and the very moving and profound words of Dr. Mills. Some listeners reported being moved to tears by his presence and Unfoldment. “It was like a bouquet of love.” “A beautiful, multifaceted offering!” “I could feel the environment of the Word.”

For those of you and your friends who were not able to come online on Wednesday, please click here to view the replay.

In addition, we are offering you a free 30-day trial of the library of Dr. Mills’s Spontaneous Unfoldments,™ concerts, and other special events. To sign up for this opportunity to explore his profound meanings and transmissions, please visit the subscription page of the Kenneth G. Mills Foundation: https://www.kgmfoundation.org/shop/subscriptions/library-subscription/. We recommend you begin by exploring the section “Events with Video.” The library will continue to grow as more and more Unfoldments and other events are made ready for uploading. So, there will be an ongoing stream of fresh manna for your enjoyment and research.

Please take advantage of these remarkable opportunities to discover what can be found through the portal!

The foundation is indebted to the many volunteers and donors whose contributions over the years have helped to realize the online library of Dr. Mills’s timeless legacy. In particular, we wish to thank Michael Abbott, Steve Diamond, Frances Giles, Lucille Joseph, Ellen Mann, and David Nash for their active and generous support.

Sign up here to keep in touch.

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